MIDI Messages


MIDI is one way to control DSP parameters in a more meaningful, and musical way. Here, we talk about MIDI as a standardized messaging protocol. MIDI messages include note-on and note-off messages, control change messages, program change messages, and pitch bend messages, as well as tempo, time signature, and other performance data.


#include <q/support/midi_messages.hpp>


namespace cycfi::q::midi_1_0 { /**...**/ }

Currently, the Q DSP library supports MIDI 1.0, implemented in namespace midi_1_0.

Generic MIDI Messages

The MIDI 1.0 message is basically an array of std::uint8_t with sizes 1 to 3, encapsulated in a struct:

struct message_base {}; // Base class for all messages

template <int size_>
struct message : message_base
   static constexpr int const size = size_;
   std::uint8_t data[size];

struct message1 : message<1>
   message1() = default;
   constexpr message1(raw_message msg);

struct message2 : message<2>
   message2() = default;
   constexpr message2(raw_message msg);

struct message3 : message<3>
   message3() = default;
   constexpr message3(raw_message msg);

Raw MIDI Messages

Generic MIDI messages are constructed from raw_message, which is essentially a std::uint32_t encapsulated in a struct that holds the 24-bits MIDI 1.0 message, encoded as little-endian:

Raw MIDI Message
Figure 1. Raw MIDI Message
struct raw_message
   std::uint32_t data;

MIDI Status

The status byte indicates the type of MIDI message and includes both a status nibble (upper 4 bits) and a 16-channel number nibble (lower 4 bits).

MIDI Status Byte
Figure 2. MIDI Status Byte

Here is the MIDI status enumeration:

namespace status
      note_off             = 0x80,
      note_on              = 0x90,
      poly_aftertouch      = 0xA0,
      control_change       = 0xB0,
      program_change       = 0xC0,
      channel_aftertouch   = 0xD0,
      pitch_bend           = 0xE0,
      sysex                = 0xF0,
      song_position        = 0xF2,
      song_select          = 0xF3,
      tune_request         = 0xF6,
      sysex_end            = 0xF7,
      timing_tick          = 0xF8,
      start                = 0xFA,
      continue_            = 0xFB,
      stop                 = 0xFC,
      active_sensing       = 0xFE,
      reset                = 0xFF

Specific MIDI Messages

Specific MIDI messages are subclasses of the generic MIDI messages above.


struct note_off : message3
   using message3::message3;

   constexpr note_off(std::uint8_t channel, std::uint8_t key, std::uint8_t velocity);

   constexpr std::uint8_t     channel() const;
   constexpr std::uint8_t     key() const;
   constexpr std::uint8_t     velocity() const;


struct note_on : message3
   using message3::message3;

   constexpr note_on(std::uint8_t channel, std::uint8_t key, std::uint8_t velocity);

   constexpr std::uint8_t     channel() const;
   constexpr std::uint8_t     key() const;
   constexpr std::uint8_t     velocity() const;


struct poly_aftertouch : message3
   using message3::message3;

   constexpr poly_aftertouch(
      std::uint8_t channel, std::uint8_t key, std::uint8_t pressure);

   constexpr std::uint8_t     channel() const;
   constexpr std::uint8_t     key() const          { return data[1]; }
   constexpr std::uint8_t     pressure() const;


namespace cc
   enum controller
      bank_select          = 0x00,
      modulation           = 0x01,
      breath               = 0x02,
      foot                 = 0x04,
      portamento_time      = 0x05,
      data_entry           = 0x06,
      channel_volume       = 0x07,
      balance              = 0x08,
      pan                  = 0x0A,
      expression           = 0x0B,
      effect_1             = 0x0C,
      effect_2             = 0x0D,
      general_1            = 0x10,
      general_2            = 0x11,
      general_3            = 0x12,
      general_4            = 0x13,

      bank_select_lsb      = 0x20,
      modulation_lsb       = 0x21,
      breath_lsb           = 0x22,
      foot_lsb             = 0x24,
      portamento_time_lsb  = 0x25,
      data_entry_lsb       = 0x26,
      channel_volume_lsb   = 0x27,
      balance_lsb          = 0x28,
      pan_lsb              = 0x2A,
      expression_lsb       = 0x2B,
      effect_1_lsb         = 0x2C,
      effect_2_lsb         = 0x2D,
      general_1_lsb        = 0x30,
      general_2_lsb        = 0x31,
      general_3_lsb        = 0x32,
      general_4_lsb        = 0x33,

      sustain              = 0x40,
      portamento           = 0x41,
      sostenuto            = 0x42,
      soft_pedal           = 0x43,
      legato               = 0x44,
      hold_2               = 0x45,

      sound_controller_1   = 0x46,  // default: sound variation
      sound_controller_2   = 0x47,  // default: timbre / harmonic content
      sound_controller_3   = 0x48,  // default: release time
      sound_controller_4   = 0x49,  // default: attack time
      sound_controller_5   = 0x4A,  // default: brightness
      sound_controller_6   = 0x4B,  // no default
      sound_controller_7   = 0x4C,  // no default
      sound_controller_8   = 0x4D,  // no default
      sound_controller_9   = 0x4E,  // no default
      sound_controller_10  = 0x4F,  // no default

      general_5            = 0x50,
      general_6            = 0x51,
      general_7            = 0x52,
      general_8            = 0x53,

      portamento_control   = 0x54,
      effects_1_depth      = 0x5B,  // previously reverb send
      effects_2_depth      = 0x5C,  // previously tremolo depth
      effects_3_depth      = 0x5D,  // previously chorus depth
      effects_4_depth      = 0x5E,  // previously celeste (detune) depth
      effects_5_depth      = 0x5F,  // previously phaser effect depth
      data_inc             = 0x60,  // increment data value (+1)
      data_dec             = 0x61,  // decrement data value (-1)

      nonrpn_lsb           = 0x62,
      nonrpn_msb           = 0x63,
      rpn_lsb              = 0x64,
      rpn_msb              = 0x65,
      all_sounds_off       = 0x78,
      reset                = 0x79,
      local                = 0x7A,
      all_notes_off        = 0x7B,
      omni_off             = 0x7C,
      omni_on              = 0x7D,
      mono                 = 0x7E,
      poly                 = 0x7F

struct control_change : message3
   using message3::message3;

   constexpr control_change(
      std::uint8_t channel, cc::controller ctrl, std::uint8_t value);

   constexpr std::uint8_t     channel() const;
   constexpr cc::controller   controller() const;
   constexpr std::uint8_t     value() const;


struct program_change : message2
   using message2::message2;

   constexpr program_change(std::uint8_t channel, std::uint8_t preset);

   constexpr std::uint8_t     channel() const;
   constexpr std::uint8_t     preset() const;


struct channel_aftertouch : message2
   using message2::message2;

   constexpr channel_aftertouch(std::uint8_t channel, std::uint8_t pressure);

   constexpr std::uint8_t     channel() const;
   constexpr std::uint8_t     pressure() const;


struct pitch_bend : message3
   using message3::message3;

   constexpr pitch_bend(std::uint8_t channel, std::uint16_t value);
   constexpr pitch_bend(std::uint8_t channel, std::uint16_t lsb, std::uint8_t msb);

   constexpr std::uint8_t     channel() const;
   constexpr std::uint16_t    value() const;


struct song_position : message3
   using message3::message3;

   constexpr song_position(std::uint16_t position);
   constexpr song_position(std::uint8_t lsb, std::uint8_t msb);

   constexpr std::uint16_t    position() const;


struct song_select : message2
   using message2::message2;

   constexpr song_select(std::uint8_t song_number);

   constexpr std::uint16_t    song_number() const;


struct tune_request : message1
   using message1::message1;

   constexpr tune_request();


struct timing_tick : message1
   using message1::message1;

   constexpr timing_tick();


struct start : message1
   using message1::message1;

   constexpr start();


struct continue_ : message1
   using message1::message1;

   constexpr continue_();


struct stop : message1
   using message1::message1;

   constexpr stop();


struct active_sensing : message1
   using message1::message1;

   constexpr active_sensing();


struct reset : message1
   using message1::message1;

   constexpr reset();

Note Name

The note_name utility function can be used to convert a MIDI note number to a string representing the key.

constexpr char const* note_name(std::uint8_t key);


std::cout << note_name(60) << std::endl; // Prints "C4"

Note Number

Conversely, the note_number utility function can be used to convert a string representing the key to a MIDI note number.

int note_number(std::string_view note)

The syntax is as follows:

  1. A letter a-g or A-G

  2. Optionally followed by # or b

  3. Followed by a number that ranges from -1 to 9

The range is from C-1 to G9.


std::cout << note_number("C4") << std::endl; // Prints 60
The function returns -1 when given invalid input.