MIDI Processor


Read MIDI Messages first for prerequisite information.

The MIDI processor is a user-defined construct that follows a specific C++ concept for receiving and interpreting MIDI messages. The MIDI processor acts as an intermediary between MIDI devices and the application. Its purpose is to receive incoming MIDI messages, analyze their content, and extract relevant information. This may include extracting note data, control change values, program change commands, or any other MIDI message content that is of interest to the user.


#include <q/support/midi_processor.hpp>


// Concepts
namespace cycfi::q::concepts::midi_1_0 { /**...**/ }

// API and Implementation
namespace cycfi::q::midi_1_0 { /**...**/ }

Currently, the Q DSP library supports MIDI 1.0, implemented in namespace midi_1_0.


namespace cycfi::q::concepts
   namespace midi_1_0
      template <typename T>
      concept Processor =
         requires(T&& proc, q::midi_1_0::message_base const& msg, std::size_t time)
         proc(msg, time);

Processor is a concept that represents a MIDI 1.0 processor. It is placed inside namespace midi_1_0 to distinguish it from future MIDI processors.

Essentially, the C++ concept states that:

  • Processor has a function call operator that accepts a MIDI 1.0 message and a time stamp.

  • The MIDI 1.0 message, msg, is derived from message_base.

  • The time stamp is represented as a millisecond clock with an undefined arbitrary start time.




Instance of a type that conforms to Processor.


Instance of a type that conforms to Message.


A std::size_t time stamp.

Function Call

Expression Semantics Return Type

proc(msg, time)

Process the MIDI message, msg at time stamp time.



processor is a basic class that conforms to the Processor concept, but does nothing by default.

struct processor
   void  operator()(message_base const& msg, std::size_t time) {}

This utility class provides the default no-op handling. It is intended to be derived from. Thus, the derived class can overload specific function call operators for messages it is interested with.


namespace midi = cycfi::q::midi_1_0;

struct my_midi_processor : midi::processor
   using midi::processor::operator();

   void operator()(midi::note_on msg, std::size_t time);
   void operator()(midi::note_off msg, std::size_t time);

In this example, my_midi_processor is interested with, and processes only note_on and note_off messages.


The dispatch takes in a raw MIDI 1.0 message (raw_message), a time stamp, and a Processor. It converts the raw MIDI message to a specific MIDI message, and dispatches the message to the processor, along with the time stamp.

template <typename P>
requires concepts::Processor<P>
void dispatch(raw_message msg, std::size_t time, P&& proc);

This function is the basic low-level hook for dispatching raw MIDI messages obtained by an I/O system from MIDI devices.