Exponential Ramp Generator


Exponential Ramp

exp_upward_ramp_gen is an exponential upward ramp generator that generates an exponentially increasing amplitude from 0.0 to 1.0, similar to a capacitor charged by a series resistor over time specified by the duration (width) and samples per second (sps), and optional exponential curvature (cv) parameters.

exp_downward_ramp_gen is the inverse of the exponential upward ramp generator. This is similar to a capacitor discherged through a resistor.

The Q DSP library utilizes the exponential ramp generators for generating complex envelopes.


#include <q/synth/exponential_gen.hpp>


struct exp_upward_ramp_gen
            exp_upward_ramp_gen(duration width, float sps, float cv = 0.95);

   float    operator()();
   void     config(duration width, float sps);
   void     config(duration width, float sps, float cv);
   void     reset();

struct exp_downward_ramp_gen : exp_upward_ramp_gen
   using exp_upward_ramp_gen::exp_upward_ramp_gen;

   float    operator()();


exp_upward_ramp_gen and exp_downward_ramp_gen are a models of Ramp. In addition to valid expressions for Ramp, exp_upward_ramp_gen and exp_downward_ramp_gen allow these expressions.



Object of type exp_upward_ramp_gen or exp_downward_ramp_gen.


Object of type duration.


Floating point value representing samples per second.


Exponential curvature.

The cv constructor and config parameter determines the curvature of the exponential. Valid cv values range greater than 0.0 to anything less than 1.0. cv is the final value in the exponential curve that will be considered as the peak value that will be scaled up to 1.0. Increasing the cv value leads to more pronounced curves. Lower cv values produce flatter, more linear ramps. The default is 0.95.


Expression Semantics

exp_upward_ramp_gen(w, sps, cv)

Construct exp_upward_ramp_gen given width, w, and samples per second, sps, and exponential curvature, cw.

exp_downward_ramp_gen(w, sps, cv)

Construct exp_downward_ramp_gen given width, w, and samples per second, sps, and exponential curvature, cw.

C++ brace initialization may also be used.


Expression Semantics

g.config(w, sps, cw)

Set the ramp width, w, with samples per second, sps, and exponential curvature, cw.